Fable 2 captin dreads treasure
Fable 2 captin dreads treasure

I have also been very careful that the Subjects of my Fables should be modest, grave, and accommodated to the best Precepts of Vertue and Wisdom wherein I have exploded all manner of indecencies, too imprudent∣ly Quam quae sunt Oculis subjecta fidelibus. This was Horace's Opinion, who in his Art of Poetry, says, The representing of which pleasant Ideas, to the Readers Fancy, being like the placing of Pictures be∣fore their Eyes, whereby more firm and lasting Im∣pressions of Vertue may be fix'd in them, than by plain I intended them for the benefit of such as have not the Skill to search for them in their several Lan∣guages, from whence I fetch∣ed them. Observations on them, de∣serving a Title somewhat above that, cannot, I hope, be thought improper to be submitted to your Judg∣ment.

fable 2 captin dreads treasure

I confess I have been quarrelling with my Studies, that they have not afforded me something of more value than a Translation, as a Pre∣sent to my Friend, who is so great a Master of Origi∣nals yet this Anthology of Fables, for the Pains I have taken, in gathering and new modelling them, toge∣ther with my Notes and Not guilty of the first, nor have I flattered my self with the second, but I have made use of the last, to express in some measure, a sence of the many Obligations I have to you. THE Dedicating of Books to Noblemen, is either Ambition in the Author, to adorn the Front of his Work with Illustrious Titles or a counterfeit beg∣ging their Patronage and Protection or else an ac∣knowledgment of Favours received from them.

Fable 2 captin dreads treasure