Aural fullness meaning
Aural fullness meaning

aural fullness meaning

Otitis interna: Also called labyrinthitis, as it is due to inflammation of a passage within the ear called the labyrinth. Patients affected often suffer from ear pain, varying degrees of hearing loss, ear discharge, and headaches. An important structure called the eustachian tube is also located here and can become obstructed during bacterial or viral infections, leading to symptoms. The bodies smallest bones are also located here and are called the auditory ossicles, named malleus, incus, and stapes. Otitis media: Refers to inflammation of the middle ear, which is part of the ear between the eardrum and the oval window (membrane covering the entrance to the cochlea in the inner ear). This may also present as fullness in the ear. Otitis externa can present with ear pain, swelling of the ear canal, and occasionally, decreased hearing. Otitis externa: Commonly referred to as swimmer’s ear, it is characterized by inflammation of the ear canal-the tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear. The following are some causes of fullness of the ear. Specifically, changes in inner ear pressure and fluid volume may make your ears feel full. Factors that change any aspect of the ear structure can result in hearing and balance problems. They all work together to help us hear and maintain balance. The entire ear structure is comprised of bones, passageways, cavities, and fluid called endolymph.

Aural fullness meaning